– Jan Scholten

Aluminium sulphuricum is a new remedy.


Aluminium Sulphuricum

Confusion about roles Love

Confusion of identity Marriage Partner

Misleading Self love Selfishness

Triangular relationships Jealousy

Bewildered Joyful Pleasant

Mistake Harmony Aesthetic





Group analysis

Confusion of roles with their lover.

Confusion of identity with their partner.

Confusion about who is who within the marriage.

Triangular love relationships.

Confusion about who makes the decisions in the marriage.

The partner makes all the decisions.

Bewildered by jealousy.

Theorising in a confused manner.

Mistakes lead to disharmony.

Confused whether they are beautiful or ugly.

Picture of Aluminium sulphuricum

Essence: confusion of roles with their loved one.

Confusion of roles with the loved one

They like their contact with their lover to be really meaningful.

They want there to be a mutual feeling of understanding and acceptance. But they feel that they have to put their own interests aside and adapt to the other persons feelings, otherwise there would be too many differences and the relationship wouldn’t work. They also want to understand their partner on a very deep level, which is another reason why they go to great lengths to try and imagine what he thinks and feels. But they tend to take this a bit too far so that they lose sight of their own feelings. Then they get confused about whose feelings are whose. They are also inclined to leave all the decisions to their partner. Another situation where such a confusion may occur is in a relationship where their lover is not only their lover but also their doctor, therapist, teacher, boss.

Confusion of identity with their partner. When the situation gets very extreme they may end up in an identity crisis. They are so much in love that they want to be totally at one with their partner. They try and achieve this by taking on all his thoughts and feelings, they hear what he hears, they see what he sees, they start to act the same way he acts. It may even go as far as psychosis, where they start to hear voices telling them what to


Triangular love relationships They tend to find themselves in relationship triangles, for instance by falling in love while they are married. This creates a lot of confusion, as they no longer know whom they really love, and they tend to get stuck in a state where they simply can’t make up their mind. Or they fall in love with a married man or woman and end up in a similar confusion about whether this person really loves them.

Bewildered by jealousy The confusion about their relationships can make them very jealous. This jealousy may become so overwhelming that it in itself becomes a cause for confusion. They are not sure whether it is they or their lover who is the most jealous. They are afraid of this jealousy and try to hide it in case it breaks up the relationship.

Theorising in confusion

They may get swept along by their fantasy, seeing things that aren’t there, imagining hidden meanings and getting totally confused by the most innocent remarks and actions of their lover.

They may even lose track of time and space.

Confused whether they are beautiful or ugly They may also be confused about anything to do with beauty. They don’t know what harmony means and they take on other peoples ideas about it, which makes it difficult to decide from moment to moment what they really feel about something. One moment they think it is nice, the moment they are not so sure anymore. They may feel the same way about their own body.


Fears: knives, blood, own impulses, insanity, shadowy figures behind them, flying, lifts, falling, falling asleep, exams, violence, being swept away, heights, poverty, ugliness, dirt.

Dreams: clothes, partner, marriage; nightmares (

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