Although Adonis vernalis has been used for quite a long time in homeopathy, it is actually rather a phytotherapeutic than a homeopathic remedy. It is one of the many “heart remedies” which homeopaths have at least partly taken over from herbal medicine, like, for example, Apocynum, Crataegus, Convallaria, Digitalis, Leonunus cardiaca, Lycopus viginicus, Oleander, Scilla, Spartium scoparium, Strophantus, etc. Many of these remedies – just like Adonis – are mainly prescribed in very low potencies, or in the mother tincture. But nevertheless each plant has its own peculiarities which one should take into account even when “only herbal tinctures” are given.
One of the main indications of Adonis is a weak heart, a medium grave insufficiency of the heart with early stages of cardial decompensation. But it can also be of great service in really grave weakness of the myocard by relieving the condition of the patient although it is usually not sufficient to heal such an advanced stage.
An albumen containing urine and in particular a very scanty urinary secretion with the tendency to cardial dropsy, anasarca and edemas are very typical for the cases which Adonis can help. The edemas can develop everywhere: swellings of the extremities especially of the legs, collection of fluid in the chest (hydrothorax), in abdomen (ascites) and because of the strong relation to the kidneys probably also in the face. Adonis not only strengthens the myocardium, increases the cardiac contractions and the arterial tension, but it has also a strong diuretic effect. It is sometimes astonishing how fast the effect sets in, much faster than in Digitalis for instance. But it is usually not very long lasting and it may be necessary to repeat the remedy quite frequently. (By the way in contrast to Digitalis Adonis has the great advantage that it almost does not cumulate.)
Another characteristic of this remedy is usually an accelerated, rapid but feeble pulse. The weakened heart tries to increase the output of blood but because of the weakness of its contractive force it can only raise the number of the heartbeats, resulting in a rapid but feeble pulse which is additionally often irregular.
In contrast to some other “heart remedies” insufficiency of the heart with scanty urine, edemas, tachycardia and arrhythmia are very characteristic for Adonis.
The weakness of the heart and the tachycardia can have many different causes: valvular heart defects with stenosis or insufficiency of the mitral and aortic valves as a consequence of rheumatic fever, for instance; inflammation of the myocardium or a kind of toxic damage of the heart after an infectious disease, influenza, pneumonia, nephritis etc.
Apart from these indications Adonis also has a kind of sedative effect in double respect. It not only calms down nervous heart complaints with tachycardia, arrhythmia and extrasystoles but it also has an effect on the apprehension, anxiety, and restlessness which are so often associated with many patients suffering from a heart condition. For this reason it is also used in hyperthyreotic patients with nervous disorders of the heart. (Leonunus, Lycopus, etc.)
Besides it may perhaps be helpful in Angina pectoris because of its dilative effect on the coronary vessels.
Almost all other symptoms in the different regions of the body are more or less connected with the heart.
For example, the vertigo which usually occurs with palpitation and gets worse by motion e.g. on rising, turning the head quickly or on lying down. In addition it is often connected with a faint feeling in the epigastrium and ameliorates out of doors, in the open air. Adonis also has a characteristic headache, namely an aching from occiput around temples to the eyes.
The respiratory symptoms are mostly caused by a heart disease.
The patient may have a dry, tickling, cardiac cough or a cardiac asthma with the feeling of a weight on the chest and frequent desire to take a deep breath. The dyspnea which often occurs in connection with praecardial pains and palpitation is in a peculiar way worse if someone touches the back.
In the region of the abdomen there is still another peculiar symptom. It is the feeling as if the bowels were breaking, especially while bending forward.
As already mentioned above the most important symptoms of the kidneys are a scanty, sometimes albuminous urine and the tendency to edemas. The increased quantity of urine after Adonis has been given is not only caused/produced by the amelioration of the weakness of the heart but also by a direct effect on the kidneys. Apart from that an oily pellicle on the surface of the urine may be visible in some cases.
Additional symptoms which perhaps help to differentiate Adonis from other “heart remedies” are for example a tight feeling of the scalp, a sore as if scalded tongue, a stiff spine and a painful, tired back.
There is a predominance of symptoms on the left side.
The patient is aggravated by cold and while lying and ameliorated by eating, pressure, exerting himself and taking a walk in the open air.
Wandering rheumatic pains that end up affecting the heart.
Vertigo while lying; while turning or moving the head quickly; on rising.
Feels light.
Headache from occiput extending to temples and eyes.
Constriction, tension.
Scalp feels tight.
Tongue dirty yellow, sore, feels scalded.
Gnawing hunger. Heavy weight felt on stomach.
Faint feeling in epigastrium with vertigo which is better on going for a walk in the open air.
There is a peculiar symptom on the abdomen where the patient feels as if the bowels are breaking and this feeling is worse on bending forward.
Urinary organs
Oily pellicle on urine
Scanty, albuminous with casts.
Frequent desire to take a long breath
Feeling of weight on chest. Precordial pain, palpitation and dyspnea.
Dyspnea which is worse if somebody is touching her back.
Mitral and aortic regurgitation. Chronic aortitis. Fatty heart pericarditis.
Rheumatic endocarditis. Cardiac asthma.
Myocarditis with arrhythmia, constriction and vertigo.
Pulse rapid and irregular.
Swelling of extremities in heart disease.
Dozing as soon as eyes are closed.
Restless sleep.
Sleeplessness; from palpitation.
Frightful dreams.
Heart affections like: pericarditis, myocarditis, endocarditis, mitral and aortic regurgitation, cardiac asthma, cardiac dropsy, chronic aortitis.
Rheumatic fever, influenza.
Compare: Digitalis, Crataegus, Convallaria majalis, Strophantus hispidus,
Very low potencies.

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