Method of differentiating
Homeopathic Remedies:

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4.1Measuring Physiological
remedy of 200c potency is used for the experiment. Freshly medicated
Homeopathic pills of 200c are given to healthy volunteers.
Temperature Variability Graph
Used data logger and temperature
sensor for measuring physiological variability that is temperature variability
from skin of Human body.  Sensor is
connected to forearm by means of cellophane tape. Cotton wool is used for
Temperature is measured
for every one second for 30 minutes.
I have explained the
method of measuring temperature variability from skin by  connecting sensors with the help of data
logger  in my previous paper.13
Identification of Remedy peak within the data by using statistical technique
parametric reconstruction and prediction.
Smooth cures represent The Remedy action.

Smooth cures represent The Remedy action.
Once after measuring  temperature variability, data must be test
for  peaks which represent the  specific action of Homeopathic remedy. This
can be done by using statistical procedure like parametric reconstruction and
prediction (PRP).  The data range which
represented the action of remedy in PRP must be saved for further analysis.
Temperature variability data
must be tested from starting to end to fix the data range which represent the
remedy action.  Data must be tested for
every five minutes range until the appearance of smooth curves.
4.3 Obtain AR Spectral  Co efficient.
spectrum (AR) must be obtained from the above saved data of temperature
variability.  AR Spectral confidents from
the AR Spectrum are used for comparison of remedies. This all can be done by
using statistical software.
Auto Regressive Spectrum
AR Co-efficient’s

This is the procedure to
be adopted to obtain AR Spectral Co-efficient’s
of all the Homeopathic remedies.

4.4 Comparison between
Remedies: (Relationship between remedies):
AR Spectral co-efficient of remedies must be compared with one another to know
the relation between the remedies. For this purpose correlation coefficient
formula must be used. This procedure can be done in excel office.
AR Coeffient’s for different remedies proved on different persons.
4.5 Set master key for
identification of Remedy.
AR Spectral co-efficient of any polycrest
remedy cab be used as master key in identifying the remedy.
Sort the correlation coefficient’s in descending
or ascending order with the master key.
Look at the final step similar
remedies occupied their appropriate place in Correlation Chart.  Same remedies stand side by side in the

Final Step for Identification of Remedy –Correlation Co efficient Chart.
In the Above picture
Natrum Muriaticum is used as master key for comparison of remedies. Same
remedies have taken their appropriate place. 
Similar remedies have maintained their relation.
This procedure can be used
for identification of unlabelled remedy as well similar remedy for suffering
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