Uses of Homeopathic Sulphur Ointment – Dr.Devendra Kumar MD (Homeo)

This articles on Sulphur Ointment also informs about the uses of Sulphur in other potencies like Sulphur 3x, Sulphur 6x, Sulphur 6c, Sulphur 12x, Sulphur 30c, Sulphur 30ch, Sulphur 200c, Sulphur 200ch and Sulphur 1m.Sulphur ointment is most useful Homeopathic Remedy. Writing about Homeopathic treatment without Sulphur Remedy or ointment is impossible. Sulphur is a great poly crest Homeopathic Remedy. So it is useful is the variety of skin complaints.

Homeopathic Sulphur Ointment

Almost Sulphur Ointment is useful in ANY TYPE OF ERUPTION, which are moist, burning and itching.  Sulphur ointment is useful in Skin  ITCHING when intensified with HEAT during NIGHT IN BED. This ointment can be applied in skin complaints when WOOL touching aggravates the skin itching. Sulphur-ointment is especially helpful in cases where  BATHING COLD.water reduces the intensity of Itching.

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Dr.Boericke View on uses of Sulphur Ointment:

Sulphur is great Hahnemannian anti-psoric.Hence its action is centrifugal-from within outward-having an elective affinity for the skin.Alomost it produces heat and burning, with itching; made worse by the heat of bed. Inertia and relaxation of fiber. Therefore feebleness of tone characterizes its symptoms. Ebullition of heat, dislike of water, Sulphur cream is helpful in dry and hard hair and skin, red orifices, sinking feeling at stomach about 11 a.m., and cat-nap sleep.Above symptoms also applicable for Sulphur 3x, Sulphur 6x, Sulphur 6c, Sulphur 12x, Sulphur 30c, Sulphur 30ch, Sulphur 200c, Sulphur 200ch and Sulphur 1m.

Dr.T.F.Allen Views on Uses of Sulphur Ointment:

      Sulphur in ointment form is useful in Various eruptions on skin same as black points in the face. Dry burning and itching eruptions, either like nettle-rash or like fine papular eruptions. Itching vesicles form and sometimes pustules. Severe itching, with burning, in various parts of the body. Same itching aggravates on scratching as a result causes burning.First of all itching night in the heat of the bed, with restlessness. Eruptions that are scratched tend to ulcerate and almost exude an offensive discharge. While the skin symptoms universally increased by bathing, associated with burning itching. Furthermore scratching is followed by burning, aggravation at night, especially by the warmth of the bed.

Mentioned symptoms also work in potencies like Sulphur 3x, Sulphur 6x, Sulphur 6c, Sulphur 12x, Sulphur 30c, Sulphur 30ch, Sulphur 200c, Sulphur 200ch and Sulphur 1m.

Dr.Hering C. Views on Action of Sulphur Ointment:

The homeopathic Sulphur cream is most useful in Voluptuous itching and tingling, with burning or soreness after scratching. Itching, worse in a warm bed. Most of all bright redness of the whole body in scarlatina. Freckles yellow, brown, flat spots. Skin rough, scaly, scabby. Herpes, scabby and scurfy. A sore feeling of the skin, with a disposition to excoriation. Soreness in folds of skin. Ecchymoses from a slight bruise. Rhagades after washing. Furuncles, particularly on the nates. Eruptions Erysipelas, with throbbing and stinging. Dropsical swelling of external parts. Most noteworthy, ulcers with raised, swollen edges, bleeding easily, surrounded with pimples therefore tearing, stinging pains and discharging fetid pus.

How to Use Homeopathic Sulphur Ointment:

How to Use Sulphur Ointment
Sulphur oint is available in Tubes manufactured by various Pharmacies like SCHWABE INDIA, SCHAWABE GERMANY, SBL, R S BHARGAVA and Upendra Homeo Stores. Take a small quantity of Ointment on Index finger flexor surface and gently apply on affected area of the Skin . Probably where the itching is intense. Gently rub on the skin surface for 30 seconds. Hard rubbing may cause burning and rash formation.

Above article on Sulphur Ointment explains the following:

  1. Sulphur cream for skin is especially relevent to burning, itching eruptions.
  2. SBL Sulphur ointment uses are same as explained in the above paragraphs.
  3. Therefore sulphur ointment India is getting popular day to day.
  4. Aslo explained the sulphur ointment for eczema.
  5. Almost uses of sulphur ointment for scabies.
  6. Another thing is uses of sulphur ointment for fungal infection.
  7. Almost sulphur ointment for acne cure.
  8. In conclusion ‘sulphur antibacterial ointment’ used in Homeopathy so as to suppress the skin eruptions in worst cases.
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[…] potencies of Sulphur include Sulphur 200c or 200ch, Sulphur 1M, Sulphur 10M, Sulphur CM and Sulphur […]

6 years ago

I live in Mumbai. I have this problem of balanitis and posthitis. The foreskin of my penis becomes red. There is lot of inflammation. Also the glans penis has inflammation and has red patches. It is fungal or bacterial infection. Sugar level is normal. I have searched these ointments on Google TOPI sulphur, TOPI Azadirachta by Schwabe.

Can these be applied on the glans penis and the foreskin ? because they are very sensitive and soft areas.

If you know of any ointments let me know ?



Sms Hasan
7 years ago

Dear Dr.

Seeking your help for my baby boy of 1 year & 3 months old.

He's suffering from a sort of skin disease (skin-rash) around the Anus where the skin normally folds.

For your better understanding, I've attached a photo.

What to do in this case ? Will I have to apply any mother tincture or cream on that besides oral medicine?

Baby's mother eats Duck egg .. Is it a matter? Does Duck Egg have any skin-related problems? Should the mother avoid Duck Eggs?

With regards ……

Sms Hasan

Drdevendra Kumar MD Homeo
Reply to  Sms Hasan

Sulphur 200 just 2 pills, echinacea Q apply externally two times a day. no need to stop duck eggs.