– American Institute of Homoeopathy, 1910, 65th Session,
(In this department will appear quotations from and abstracts of articles in other journals, such as reports of drug provings and clinical cases, expositions of the doctrines of Homoeopathy, replies to criticisms of the methods of homoeopathic practice, etc., which are propagandistic in character and of such nature as may be taken to be auxiliary to the work of the Council of Medical Education of the American Institute of Homoeopathy. – The Editor.)

 A little child was taken with dyspnoea, alae nasi symptom, and high fever, whistling rales in the chest, dry, hot skin, etc. Aconite seemed to be indicated, but somewhere Trinks had affirmed that Aconite is of little account in infantile broncho pneumonia and following his advice, Belladonna and then Phosphorus 5c dec. singly at first and then in alternation, were given, but the child got decidedly worse, and the mucous rales with scanty cough hinted strongly at Antimonium tart. 3, every three hours a dose. Next day status idem. medicine continued, but after an apparent amelioration a decided aggravation followed, the child lies apathetic, with closed eyes and pale, hot face. With every cough the child turns livid, raises itself up, and then falls back exhausted, covered with sweat. Now in his despair, Dahlke remembered the three forms of pneumonia mentioned by Rademacher, the Nitrum, Ferrum, and Cuprum pneumonia, and finally concluded to try Cuprum aceticum 4 dec., three drops every two hours. He dreaded his morning visit, but was pleasantly astonished to find the child greatly improved. It was playful and cheerful and wanted food. The cough was still spasmodic, but of less intensity and duration, and with the simillimum applied the child soon recovered, to the joy of its parents. – N. Amer. Jour. of Hom.
 Baryta carb. in Tonsillitis. – Miss F. R., aged twenty-four, has had attacks of tonsillitis for past ten years. She was very susceptible to cold, the slightest exposure causing an attack. Tonsils enlarged and indurated. Has been treated by a homoeopathic physician for past seven years, each attack resulting in suppuration. I told her I believed she could be cured. Gave Baryta carb. 30x trit., a dose once a week. She has had but one slight attack in three years, which was controlled promptly with Baryta carb. 3x without suppuration. I have found Baryta carb. very successfull in such cases and failures very rare – N. A. Jour. of Hom.
 Chamomilla in Colic. – Mr. J. B., aged twenty-six was troubled for years with attacks of pain in the abdomen. During such attacks he was cross and felt as if he could not stand the pain. Warm applications would bring some relief, but he finally had to resort in Morphine. Each attack grew worse and came at shorter intervals. Considering the fact of his being a brother, I advised him to try pure Homoeopathy. The symptoms were well marked. Chamomilla, 3x, was given in doses at short intervals. Cure was prompt and permanent. It was his first trial of Homoeopathy and his last attack of colic, now ten years past. – N. Amer. Jour. of Hom.
 Picric Acid in Diabetes. – An elderly gentleman, belonging to the legal profession, of fair color and robust frame, had been suffering from diabetes for a long time and was under allopathic treatment all along. This gave him occasional relief but no cure was effected.
 For the last few years he had been losing flesh and became prostrated, especially after bodily and mental labor. He was requested by friends and relatives to try Homoeopathy, which he resolutely refused. At last he was prevailed upon and I was called to see him. He had about 25 grains of sugar in the urine and the specific gravity was 1040. He passed about 80 to 100 ounces of urine in four and twenty hours. More urine at night and in cloudy and rainy days. After office hours he seemed utterly exhausted, but after some rest he felt better. Appetite voracious and much thirst for cold water.
 Among others, following symptoms were noticeable – pale and waxy and jaundiced face especially after day’s work. Buzzing and whistling in ears, sparks before the eyes, dullness of head and inability to think or for mental work, studies upset him and produced profound prostration and vertigo. Sexual power was reduced though there was nightly excitement. Haziness before the eyes, burning sensation in eyes, face, palm and sole. Fatigue after least exertion. Motion aggravated and rest in bed ameliorated all these symptoms. He was given all kinds of tonics, and gold mixture and codeia pills were his favorite remedies. I tried Phosphoric acid which gave him temporary relief. His various engagements, both private and public, precluded him from his taking rest. Relapses were the consequent results. Calc. phos. and Carbonica were tried with occasional good results but no perfect cure. Calc. phos. had on one occasion, reduced his sguar to 596 per ounce and specific gravity to 1025.
 The last medicine I gave was Picric acid 30 which did wonderful good. In fact, this remedy cured him thoroughly for the last six years. He had no trace of sugar in his urine and he is now working in his profession as a young man without that kind of prostration and brain fag. Picric acid had been used off and on for a long time. I did not change his usual food during my treatment. – Indian Homoeopathic Review.
 A workman employed in a type foundry complained of a pressive sensation in the stomach and abdomen about the umbilicus; abdominal musculature very hard and tensive. At the same time there is a burning, crampy pain into the groins and along the spermatic cords. He feels much aggr. lying down. Much flatus whose emission temporarily relieves. For some time he has had cough and expectoration. Sexual desire dormant. Three doses of Sulphur 30m, at fifteen day intervals, and three of Nux 100m allowed him to resume work, which he has continued uninterruptedly for a year, though constantly exposed to the vapors of lead. – University Observer.
 Dr. E. P. Colby suggests that Eupatorium perfoliatum or common boneset is one of the first remedies to be thought of in La Grippe. He says it received its name from the fact that it was found to cure the racking pains in the muscles and joints and suggests that large doses are necessary to get results. He is accustomed to put half a teaspoonful in half a glass of water and give a spoonful every twenty minutes. – New Eng. Med. Gaz. 

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