Pregnancy Disorders and Homeopathic medicine

Pregnancy Disorders and Homeopathic medicine:

Pregnancy is the perfect field of action for homeopathic remedies. The mother can safely use homeopathic medicine during the entire gestational period for the classical disorders of pregnancy. In addition, Homeopathic treatment can prevent the child from acquiring hereditary predispositions.

Pregnancy Disorders and Homeopathic medicine

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  • Cramps and soreness in muscles
  • General weakness, faintness
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Urine infection
  • Urinary incontinence
  • Heartburn and indigestion
  • Nasal allergies
  • Swollen leg veins
  • Varicose veins in the genital area
  • Constipation and hemorrhoids
  • Stretch marks


Homeopathic Remedies for Digestion, Nausea, Vomiting during Pregnancy:

Faintness is common here in all these remedies:

Sepia in our experience is the best Homeopathic medicine for Nausea and vomiting in pregnant women. The tendency to vomit after eating during pregnancy is most common. The women usually faint just at smell, sight, or thought of food. The women who crave vinegar, sour foods, acids, and pickles during pregnancy, in general, need Sepia. The thing is that the sepia woman does not like milk.

The sinking feeling in the pit of the stomach with coldness especially suggests Tabacum. Vomiting with much spitting is its peculiar symptom. Faintness in women during pregnancy with the least motion and tobacco smoke is well marked. It is the Homeopathic remedy for palpitation with faintness during pregnancy.

Craving for highly seasoned food during pregnancy especially need Natrum Muriaticum. Irresistible drowsiness after a meal helps us to identify this remedy in pregnancy needs. Indigestion with much flatus and acidity are the other symptoms.

Homeopathic Medicine for hysterical fainting attacks during Pregnancy is the Nux Moschata.

Nux Vomica particularly helps in constipation with painful weight in the stomach. Here also the acidity and flatus are important indications. These pregnant women especially crave fatty food. The most peculiarity is, a little sleep and strong pressure relieve all the complaints.

No Faintness during pregnancy:

Ipecac is the topmost Homeopathic remedy for constant nausea during pregnancy. Profuse saliva that it comes out even with a clean tongue. Moreover, it is frequently indicated Homeopathic medicine for hiccoughs during pregnancy.

For intense thirst and hunger in pregnant women, Lac Aceticum is the right choice. It also helps with the hot eructations after eating during pregnancy.  Lac Aceticum, it’s another benefit is anemia.

Cyclamen is also a good remedy for hiccoughs in pregnancy. However, thirst is absent. It is also an excellent Homeopathic medicine for pregnant women who crave salt. Acidity with vertigo during pregnancy especially indicates this medicine.

Severe faintness for: 

Great faintness during pregnancy is the indication of Asarum. Nausea, flatus in the rectum, and eructations, this Homeopathic remedy is beneficial in, this entire symptom of pregnancy.

Feeling of coldness and soreness in the stomach is with severe faintness of pregnancy call for Kreosotum. Eating food that relieves all the complaints is the most specific indication of this medicine.

Homeopathy Remedy for Constipation during Pregnancy:

  • Bryonia
  • Collinsonia
  • Hydrastis
  • Nux Vomica
  • Podophyllum
  • Sepia

Alumina is the best Homeopathic medicine for itching burning and dry anus. The pregnant women who crave dry things need this medicine for constipation. Aversion to meat and potatoes is the identifying factor.

Ambra Grisea is also the frequently indicated Homeopathic remedy for constipation in pregnancy these women are extremely timid. Oversensitive runs all along with this remedy picture. Burning eructations that accompany the constipation is the special symptom in this case.

Constriction of the stomach with ravenous anger in pregnant women mainly put the Platina in the first place for constipation. Constipation in pregnancy is, particularly during traveling. Sticky stools are the most important indication of this Homeopathic remedy.

Homeopathy Medicines or Hemorrhoids during Pregnancy: 

Aesculus, Collinsonia, Muriatic Acid, Nux Vomica, Podophyllum, Sepia, and Sulfur Flavum are the remedies in general for piles during pregnancy.

Kalium Carbonicum is Homeopathic medicine for the burning and itching piles. Prolapse piles of pregnancy are curable with this medicine. Stools are large and difficult for pregnant women. The most common symptom is a lumbar weakness with piles.

Lycopodium is for very painful piles with dry anus during pregnancy. Stools are difficult and incomplete especially indicates this Homeopathic remedy. Pregnant women who crave sweets needed this medicine for hemorrhoids in pregnancy.

Natrum Muriaticum is also excellent for piles in pregnancy. It is especially for the women, who look thin in spite of eating well. Another important symptom is sweating while eating. Mapped tongue in pregnant women suggests this medicine. Burning and contracted anus is chiefly the cause of constipation here. Sadness for each little cause mainly indicates the Natrum Muriaticum. These women especially crave salt food during pregnancy.

Constant urging but no stool during pregnancy directs us to prescribe Lachesis. Anus feels tight in these pregnant women. Constipation here is relieved especially by bleeding.

Homeopathy Medicine for Abdominal pains during Pregnancy: 

 Kalium Carbonicum is for pain abdomen in pregnant women where she senses like bearing-down. The women particularly experience the pain from back extending to labia. Fatigue and paleness are common as stated earlier.

Lilium Tigrinum women feel the pain as if uterus would escape. Pressing on organs especially relieves the pain. Moreover, palpitations are also relieved with hard pressure on the uterus.

Pain with itching of the genital exterior organs mainly indicates Helonias. Conscious of her uterus with lumbosacral pain is an important symptom. For Sadness during pregnancy, it is the most useful remedy.

 Homeopathy Treatment for Soreness, cramps during Pregnancy:

  • In the case of abdominal cramps: Arnica, Bellis Perennis, and Helonias
  • Hands and legs also at moon cycles: Cuprum Metallicum
  • Pains relieve from bending forward and heat: Magnesia Phosphorica
  • Cramps in pregnancy with diarrhea, and cold sweat: Veratrum Album

Homeopathic Treatment for Urinary Cystitis in Pregnancy:

  1. Equisetum
  2. Eupatorium Purpureum
  3. Formica Rufa
  4. Populous tremula
  5. Solidago Virga
  6. Cantharis
  7. Staphysagria

The above Homeopathic medicines are highly useful for urine infection during pregnancy. Insentience of urine, on the other hand, needs to cure with Causticum.

Homeo Remedies for Breast tension in pregnancy:

Breast pain from the least movement is the indication of Bryonia. Milk from breasts during pregnancy especially needs the Homeopathic medicine pulsatilla. Painful and tender nipples in pregnancy are curable with Helonias.

For itching of external Genital during pregnancy, Caladium, Dolichos, and Urtica Urens are the most useful remedies.

Extreme sexual desire during pregnancy can control with Ambra Grisea. Too much timidness is the symptom to identify this Homeopathic medicine. Eructations and hiccoughs are the other indicated features.

Homeo Medicines for Stretch marks during Pregnancy:

Aesculus, Calendula, and Graphites are the main useful medicines for growth lines or stretch marks in pregnancy. Local ointment of these Homeopathic medicines can help reduce these marks. Taking internal remedy Calcarea Fluorica, along with the above external medicines are useful.

Stretching or enlarged veins during pregnancy:

Arnica, Capillary, Hamamelis, and Millifolium helps in the cure of varicose veins during the first 2 trimesters of pregnancy.

Calcarea Fluorica, Pulsatilla, and Viburnum Opulus are useful for veins enlargement during the last trimester.

Homeopathy for Mental Anxiety during Pregnancy: 

Ignatia is the best remedy for anxiety of pregnancy. Acidity, faintness that especially relieves by distraction indicates this Homeopathic medicine.

Anxiety and restlessness are otherwise called for the Homeopathic remedy Cimicifuga. Headaches and spasms are often direct us to this medicine for pregnancy problems.

Homeopathy for Depression in Pregnancy: 

Helonias is the best Homeopathic remedy for severe depression during pregnancy. The women kept her busy to avoid sadness. She keeps doing something.

Sepia is the Homeopathic medicine for those women who quarrel with the family. Particularly the women are very indifferent towards her husband.

Violent mania alternates with silence during pregnancy guide us to use the Homeopathic remedy Veratrum Album. The women are usually a refusal to talk with sadness.


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