– G. H. Clarke

Kali Bichromicum-Bichromate of Potash.

Slight yellow coated tongue.

CHARACTERISTICS. Dyspepsia. Yellow-coated tongue. Sense of weight with tenderness in the stomach. Ulcer of the stomach. Ulcer of the intestines with chronic diarrhoea. Ulceration of nasal and bronchial membranes with secretion of glutinous yellow mucus. In bronchial catarrh the mucus is difficult to expectorate.

Inflammation and ulceration of the mucous membrane of the nose and throat. The secretion is thick and stringy, or muco- purulent. Inflammation with ulceration of the bronchi, stomach and intestines: secretion of viscid, stringy mucus. Thick, yellow coating on the tongue, painful and slow digestion. Vomiting, purging, severe abdominal pain.1.

Potassii bichromas, 1/12 -1/6 gr. The first to fourth decimal triturations are generally used. THERAPEUTIC USES. Bronchial catarrh. The mucus is viscid and difficult to expectorate.1. Chronic coryza. The mucus is thick, yellow and glutinous, and the nose tender.1. Dyspepsia. Pain nausea vomiting and epigastric tenderness.1. Chronic gastric catarrh. Tongue has thick yellowish coat. Sense of weight in the stomach.1. Gastric ulceration not dependent upon blood impoverishment.1.

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6 years ago

YES guruvugaru, i had even treated & cured several cases of respiratory with this medicine ( KALI.BICH)


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