
Acetic-acid [Acet-ac]
Nervous cephalalgia; heaviness of head, with sense of drunkenness; confused, dull aching over frontal region and vertex; shooting through temples; headache from abuse of narcotics, tobacco, opium, coffee, alcohol or by chronic gastric irritation.
Aconite [Acon]
SUNSTROKE, especially from sleeping in the sun’s rays; burning headache, as if brain we re agitated by boiling water, fulness and heavy feeling as if everything would push out of forehead; CONGESTIVE HEADACHE, vision obscured, pressing and contracting pains in the upper part of forehead, face swollen, pale, () by lying quietly in a dark room, by nosebleed, by copious urination.
Aesculus-hip [Aesc]
Gastric and HAEMORRHOIDAL headaches; feeling as if a board were on the head, () by looking at one point.
Ailanthus-glan [Ail]
PASSIVE CONGESTIVE HEADACHE and dizziness, face red and hot, (>) by nosebleed (Arn.,); head burning hot with piercing pains, followed by drowsiness the whole day, with no inclination to think or to act; low-spirited.
Allium-cepa [All-c]
CATARRHAL HEADACHES, oppressive over eyes and going through head like an electric shocks, with sensation as if whole head were wrapped in hot moist compresses; excessive sneezing and lachrymation: profuse fluent coryza; frequent cold shivers down back.
Aloe [Aloe]
Headache across forehead, with heaviness of eyes and nausea with feeling as if a WEIGHT WERE PRESSING THE EYELIDS DOWN, (>) from partial closure of eyelids and from cold applications, (

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