
Febris Mucosa Biliosa

Aconite [Acon]
When bilious symptoms prevail, such as yellow coating on tongue, bitter taste in the mouth and of food and drink, except water; burning thirst; bitter eructations, bitter, greenish or slimy vomiting (vomiting of ascarides); distension of the hypochondria; painfulness of the region of the liver, with stitches and pressure; SUPPRESSED stool, or small frequent stools, with tenesmus; RED SCANTY urine; DRY HEAT, with full frequent pulse, sleeplessness and restlessness; moaning, quarrelsome, vehement disposition. (Compare Bry., Cham.)
Antimonium-crud [Ant-c]
MAPPED TONGUE, AS IF IT HAD BEEN WHITEWASHED; slight quantity of food excites nausea and vomiting; borders of tongue sore and red; appetite impaired or gone; colic and diarrhoea, stool watery. containing lumps of faecal matter, (

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