KENT: “The general constitutional state of Cham. Is great sensitiveness; sensitive to every impression; sensitive to surroundings; sensitive to persons; and above all, sensitive to pain. Sensitiveness of the mind. Great irritability.”
 ”Convulsions of children; they become stiff; roll the eyes; distort the face; twitching of muscles; throw the limbs about; clinch the thumbs; bend the body backwards.”
 ”The most important part of Cham. Is the mental state….’Piteous moaning. Irritable’.”
 ”Now, in the child, the child whines and cries and sputters about everything……Capriciousness. It seems that the pains and sufferings are sometimes ameliorated by passive motion, this very particularly in children. The pains seem to be better when the child is carried, so the child wants to be carried all the time.”
 ”Face red and hot on one side, the other side pale.”
 ”Sweating about the head, face red on one side.”
 ALLEN: “Child extremely irritable , fretful; quiet only when carried; impatient, wants this or that, becomes angry when refused, or when offered petulantly rejects it. (Bry., Cina, Kreos.);”
 ”Complaints from anger, especially chill and fever.”
 ”Shivering and heat intermingled, mostly with one red and one pale cheek”.
 ”Long lasting heat, with violent thirst and frequent startings in sleep.”
 ”Great agitation, anxiety. Very irritable, can hardly answer one civily (Bry.)”
 Hot perspiration, especially of the face and head; sweats easily. Profuse sweat on covered parts.”
 ”Fevers of children; irritable, cross.”
 HERING: “Febrile excitement and over sensitiveness to twitchings and spasms.”
 ”Internal heat with shivering.”
 ”Heat, with anxiety and sweat on face and scalp.”
 BOGER: “Many prescribers habitually give Cham. To cross babies; but it must be remembered that it is much more certainly indicated if the child is turbulent, howls, spoils for a fight or must be appeased at all costs. They are all-round bad little men; too much taken up with their own cursedness to be as alert as the typical Nux-v children usually are.”
 CLINICAL: Fever during dentition; spring fevers, continued fevers; typhoid; worm fever; puerperal fever.
 POTENCY: Give nothing lower than the 1m, and at long intervals, if you want results. There is a very real difference. (Boger)
 The 6, 12, 30 and 200 are also used.
 Complementary to Bell. (In diseases of children):
 Compare: Acon., Ars., Bell., Cina, Coff., Hyos., Nux-v., Puls., Sil and sulph.
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11 years ago

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Range of Use. – Bilious derangements; various ailments of females; pregnant and lying-in women; teething children and new-born infants; irritable, restless and sensitive conditions of the nervous system; bad effects of disappointment or chagrin; rash in young children; soreness of children; sleep with open eyes, or half open; restlessness at night, with paroxysms of anxiety; crying, screaming and starting and tossing about during sleep;

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shuddering of single parts, and shuddering with internal heat; burning heat and sour sweat; bilious fevers; lung fevers; fevers in children when teething; anxious moaning and tossing about; vexed and whining mood, with crying; crying of new-born infants; confused state of the head, unable to comprehend; whirling early in the morning, and attacks of vertigo, as if one would faint; headache in the morning; heaviness; pains drawing and tearing on one side of the head; rush of blood to the head, with beating in the brain; inflammation of the eyes and margins of the lids; hemorrhage from the eyes; spasmodic closing of the lids; twitching of the eyes and lids; distortion of the eyes; pains in the ears; inflammatory swelling of the parotid glands; very sensitive smell, nose sore and ulcerated; frequent change of color, red face, one cheek red; erysipelas of the face, bloated, with hardness and throbbing of the cheek; convulsions of the face; twitchings of the lips; toothache after eating and drinking; after coffee and warm drinks; difficult dentition, producing spasms in children; toothache at night, with swelling of the cheeks; frothing at the mouth, as in spasms of teething children; convulsive movement of the tongue; tightness of the throat, with soreness, caused by a cold; little inclination to take food; bitter taste in the mouth; inclination to vomit early in the morning, or with suffocating fits after drinking coffee; bilious vomiting; heartburn; colic, pain at the pit of the stomach, as if from a stone, after a meal; cutting pains and colic, above the navel; spasms of the bowels; rupture in either groin; watery, greenish diarrhoea, or like the yolks of eggs; undigested stools; excoriations around the arms in children; hot and burning and excoriating in children; yellow urine, with floculent sediment; profuse discharge of blood from the womb; thirst during the cold and hot stage, and during the sweating stage; fevers commencing with other ailments; bilious and typhoid fevers; fevers that occur in the morning, with small feeble pulse; sweating during exercise and sleep; anguish; loss of courage; excessively nervous, with low spirits, and intolerance of noise, despising everything, and everything seems flat; ideas and plans crowd upon the mind, with slow development of ideas when thinking; dulness of the head as of a cold, and loss of sleep; whirling of the head when raising it; headache from cold, and as if the head would split; headache, with sleeplessness at night; rush of blood to the head, with heat and fulness; the scalp and even the hair are sensitive to contact; sore eyes and incipient blindness; dread of light; humming and ringing in the ears; frequent bleeding from the nose and mouth; nose hot and red; pale or livid or dark yellow; sunken with hollow eyes; dry parched lips, with a black streak; jerking, tearing toothache, when in contact with the open air; distressing dull pain in hollow teeth; slimy, flat-watery taste; spitting blood; yellow coated tongue; stinging sore throat; everything in the form of food and drink has a bitter taste; feeling as if satisfied and averse to taking food and drink, much thirst, unable to decide upon dainties, but craves them; fulness of the bowels after eating, which causes oppression and drowsiness; sense of pressure after eating; belchings of a bitter taste; heartburn; vomiting of blood; enlargement of the liver; pain in the left side under the ribs; the bowels feel pressed and full after a meal; dropsy and swelling of the bowels; flatulent colic; fetid flatulence; scanty, slow and difficult stools; watery yellow or mucus diarrhoea; undigested diarrhoea stools, sometimes involuntary; disposition to urinate when asleep; sexual desires excited with lascivious ideas; profuse menstruation; inflammation of the ovarian; painful hardness of the neck of the womb; leucorrhoea, watery or bloody; hoarseness, husky voice, deep when singing; suffocating cough at night, with pains in the chest; expectoration streaked with blood; bleeding from the lungs; matter formed in the lungs; suffocation from mucus in the air tubes; wheezing when breathing; pressure at the the chest; stitches at the chest and sides; inflammation of the lungs, with typhoid symptoms; violent rush of blood to the chest and palpitation of the heart; dull pains in the small of the back at night: great weakness of the arms, hands and fingers, with jerking of the muscles and bones: weakness and unsteadiness in the hip, knee and ankle-joint: swelling of the joints, and painful to the touch; red, hard swelling of the feet.

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– Wilhelm Karo.

It is the drug for nervous, excitable women with brown or light

General Symptoms.
Irritability, amounting to mania. The patient is perfectly unbearable and constantly finds fault with the best-intended efforts of her family. Aversion to food. Craving for cold water and acid drinks. Semi-lateral drawing and tearing headache.

Special Symptoms.
Too early and profuse menstruation with dark, coagulated, sometimes offensive, blood, accompanied with cutting colics in the abdomen. Metrorrhagia, even in old women. Yellowish, smarting, corrosive leucorrhoea with burning in the vagina, especially after a meal.

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– G. H. Clarke


Difficult dentition when one of the cheeks is red and hot and the gums are swollen and very sensitive. The child is excessively irritable and may have green-colored, slimy stools. Spasmodic dysmenorrhoea with great irritability of temper and sensitiveness to pain.
Intense headache with sensation of pressure with in the cranium. Somnolence. Irritable temper, restless sleep.1. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea.2.
Prompt results are obtained from doses ranging from the first to the third decimal dilution of the tincture. The infusion in doses of from one-half dram to one ounce is also effective.
Periodical sick headache. Head congested, irritable temper.1. Difficult dentition, when one of the cheeks is red and hot, and the gums are swollen and very sensitive. The child is irritable and threatened with convulsions.1. The child refuses to be soothed except when being carried about.1. Acid, sour-smelling children, that are excessively irritable, and prone to acid diarrhoea; stools green as grass.1- 2. Summer diarrhoea of children during teething. Green, many colored, and slimy stools.2. Flatulent colic in neurotic, irritable persons.1. Spasmodic dysmenorrhoea with great irritability of temper and sensitiveness to pain. Very quarrelsome: can hardly speak a pleasant word.1.

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– Gladstone Clarke.

Nervouus excitable.

1. Adapted to nervous, excitable temperaments, esp. in women and children; children during dentition; rheumatic diathesis. 2. Every degree of ill-temper; first of spiteful irritability; uncivil even to best friends (no underlying ill nature like Nux vom.); confesses the fault but repeats it; affirms “cannot help it, l feel so”. Children peevish, nothing pleases; quiet only when carried and petted. 3. Oversensitiveness to all unpleasant stimuli esp. pain which seems intolerance, at night causing patient to lump out of bed and walk about, pain accompanied by or alt. with numbness. 4. Great sense of debility out of all proportions to the seriousness of the disease. 5. All discharges hot (sweat, stools, etc.). 6. Local heat; of hands and feet; one cheek flushed and hot, the other pale and cold. 7. Dentition diarrhoeas; hot, acrid, green stools; odour of rotten eggs. 8. Menstrual and puerperal disorders with char. pains and irritability; menses excessive with dark clots. 9. Ailments from anger and violent excitement; also from abuse of stimulants. 10. Patient (<) heat and hot applications yet not (>) by cold; sensitive to damp, cold weather and to high winds esp. about the ears; (<) evening and night. Note. A swift-acting but not very searching remedy. Keynote-Oversensitiveness.

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– Pulford
Extremely oversensitive, snappy, cross, peevish and especially uncivil, the reverse of Puls.; children are only stilled by being carried about in the nurse’s arms, the reverse of Bry.


ESSENTIAL Spiteful; sullen or uncivil irritability. Impatient and excitable. Always complaining. Children whine, restless, want this and that which is refused and pushed away when offered; if they cannot have what they want they moan and cry piteously; want to be petted constantly. Extremely sensitive to pain, especially in opium users. Tongue yellow; taste bitter. Thirst. Feverish. Pains are aggravated at night and from heat, and are almost always semi-lateral. Cheek, especially one only, red. Sweat ameliorates the pain; the pains drive one to despair. COMMENT.

Impatient and irritable children

Delusion that one hears strange voices, at night; irritable, sends nurse out of room; obstinate, on appearance of menses; quiet, only while being carried, reverse of Bry.; oversensitive, after coffee. (L): Desire to be carried, slowly: Puls., rapidly: Ars.; aggravation when, and averse to being, spoken to; weeps, also during sleep, quiet only while being carried. Fear of wind, like Thuja. The characteristic mental symptoms dominate all the diseases to which this drug is homoeopathic, whether pathological states appear in the pathogenesis or not. Ought not to be given to those who bear pain with patience and resignation. Cham. has a very bad temper, but Nux is malicious; Cham. corresponds to the effects of anger, and is almost typical of that state. It corresponds to Nux in temper before and during menorrhagia, but Nux is conscious of it, while Cham. is not. Cannot bear to be looked at, like Ant-c., but Ant-c. has a white tongue. Enters into a quarrel or dispute regardless of the feelings of others. Tosses in bed, not quiet an instant. Aversion to talk and snappish; that answers for both adult and child.

Bad effects of Anger.

Pressing pain in temples and vertex, aggravation thinking of it; head weak after coffee. Hot sticky sweat on forehead, Verat., cold. Pain in head felt during sleep, is tearing, drawing, generally in anterior part, and almost always semilateral.

Flickering vision, while lying. (L): As of heat streaming out of eyes.

(L): Rushing, as of water; stitching pain, on stooping. It is classical that with Cepa, Puls. and Cham. one can cure a majority of earaches in children; pain amelioration heat.

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